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Affordable Solar: The Truth About Solar Programs and Financing Options

Bambi Tran, GRID Alternatives

12:00 PM to 12:30 PM — Room 106

Confused about all the different ways to get solar, save money, and contribute to a healthier environment? Learn about specific programs and financing options to make solar affordable for your home. Presentation will cover state-funded, no-cost solar programs available specifically for low-income homeowners, as well as purchase, loan, lease, power purchase agreement, HERO, YGRENE, and other options.

Bambi has over 20 years of experience in green building, education, community development, and non-profit management. Currently, Bambi directs the Inland Empire office of GRID Alternatives, a community nonprofit organization that makes renewable energy technology and job training accessible to underserved communities. GRID Alternatives brings together community partners, volunteers and job trainees to implement solar power and energy efficiency for low-income families, providing energy cost-savings, valuable hands-on experience, and a source of clean, local energy that benefits us all., 951-272-4743,