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Recycling 101: The Waste Stream

Olivia Sanchez, Riverside Solid Waste Dept

11:30 AM to 12:00 PM — Room 106

Learn about the importance of reuse, how to reduce waste, and how to recycle properly to lower contamination. 

Olivia began her career in the solid waste and recycling field in 1999, working in the public sector. Olivia focused on grant management and program implementation in the areas of household hazardous waste, solid waste and recycling program planning/implementation, waste/recycling analysis, school gardening education, composting, environmental outreach and education. Moving into the private sector within the same discipline, she expanded her concentration to the fields of hauler franchise contract compliance, green building education, construction/demolition programs, landfill diversion programs, and legislative compliance. Olivia returned to the public sector recently joining the solid waste team at the City of Riverside. 951-351-6174,